First electrons stored as TagEnergy and Harmony Energy’s 49MW Jamesfield battery storage facility completed in Scotland 

Battery Tech

Lisbon, 18th March 2024: Global clean energy enterprise TagEnergy and renewable energy infrastructure developer Harmony Energy’s Jamesfield battery energy storage system (BESS) has gone live following completion of the facility. 

The 49MW/98MWh standalone project near Abernethy, Scotland, progressively came online from November 2023 as sections of the site were finalised, and became fully energised when construction was completed in early February 2024.  

The Jamesfield BESS utilises 2-hour duration Tesla Megapack lithium-ion batteries, together with Tesla’s Autobidder AI software for real-time trading and control. Leading independent renewable energy company RES is asset manager.  

TagEnergy Chief Executive Officer Franck Woitiez said energisation of TagEnergy’s third battery energy storage facility in the UK was testament to the momentum it has built in the UK as it speeds the energy transition: “This is another important marker for TagEnergy in the UK and beyond as we leverage our substantial storage expertise to help stabilise the grid and make a meaningful difference to the planet by relentlessly pursuing a renewables-led energy future,” Mr Woitiez said.  

“We are proud to have delivered another vital project, this time with our valued partner Harmony Energy, that will enable more people to connect to more competitive renewable power.” 

“Our three completed projects, together with the more than 200MW of BESS under construction in the UK, is testament both to our commitment and the success of our approach. We look forward to bringing more projects online as we focus on helping the UK move closer towards net zero carbon emissions.” 

Harmony Energy Chief Executive Officer Peter Kavanagh said: “The completion of the Jamesfield BESS is another significant milestone for our valued partnership with TagEnergy, following the success of our other joint venture site, Chapel Farm. 

“Battery energy storage systems are vital for unlocking the full potential of renewable energy in the UK. They play a pivotal role in advancing the Net Zero transition through the reduction of Co2 emissions, and are crucial for securing the future stability of the UK’s energy supply and reducing dependence on foreign gas imports.” 

The Jamesfield development became a joint venture with Harmony Energy, following TagEnergy’s acquisition of a 60% stake in the project in November 2021. Santander UK supported the green energy initiative with £12.5m funding. 

It was TagEnergy’s third investment in battery storage facilities in the UK to become operational, after Hawkers Hill Energy Park and Chapel Farm. 

Those projects, together with other projects under construction, take TagEnergy’s secured portfolio in the UK to date to 320MW/640MWh 


About TagEnergy 

TagEnergy is a clean energy enterprise creating competitive clean power stations to accelerate the energy transition and help the world reach net-zero carbon emissions sooner. Since its formation in 2019, TagEnergy has assembled a portfolio of close to 12GW based on solar, wind and battery storage technologies in the UK, Portugal, Spain, France and Australia, of which 1GW is under construction or operation.  

TagEnergy is controlled by TagHolding, a joint venture between the Impala SAS Group and Exor N.V., supported by major investors Mirova and Omnes, and is operated by a team of entrepreneurs, all shareholders. Its operations span the renewables value chain, from development, financing, construction and asset management to commercialisation of its competitive energy. 

About Harmony Energy 
Harmony Energy, one of the UK’s leading developers and owners of battery energy storage systems (“BESS”), has developed and built over 500MW/1GWh of BESS including the three largest BESS projects in Europe (by MWh). It also builds, owns and operates wind and solar assets to assist in the creation of renewable energy systems. 

Harmony Energy Media Enquiries 

Jack Kelly M: +44 7834 197 934   E: [email protected]